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19 May 2012

I really hope the MSM makes sure...

...they get another heart-rending soundbite from the Whitehouse...

the evidence starts to emerge'Cos I really wanna see President McDreamy break out his infamous record-setting backstroke... again...
"Every time they release a photo of this guy's head, his [Trayvon Martin's] parents saying that's not Trayvon's voice on the audio, — every time that comes out, the case gets weaker and weaker," says Michael Grieco, a former prosecutor in Miami-Dade County.
Heck, forget about Grieco... he's just a mouthpiece for THE MAN. Let's ask an infamous icon of the fuzzy-bunny, rainbow-sniffin' left...
"Zimmerman was on the bottom. Trayvon was on top. Zimmerman's head was being banged on the ground," Dershowitz said. "This is one of those rare cases where the forensics tell loudly what happened."

Zimmerman "will almost certainly prevail," Dershowitz said. "The charge should be dropped."
Yeah... that Alan Dershowitz... civil rights hero & youngest Harvard Law School professor... ever.

Yup... the largest fear of the lunatic left... the evidence.


LAST WORD: They still wanna hang him...

...but even the Red Star admits...
"George Zimmerman had a broken nose, bruises and bloody cuts on the back of his head."
Gotta love the tone here... despite Zimmerman's documented & now undisputed injuries and the fact that Trayvon's father admits that the recorded voice heard calling for help is not Trayvon... the Star ain't giving an inch.