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06 May 2012

Another reason to vote Conservative

The Harper government is throwing its weight behind a private members' bill that would give police the power to arrest anyone hiding their identity during a riot or unlawful assembly.

Justice Minister Rob Nicholson announced Sunday that the Conservative majority formally supports the legislation, meaning it is all but assured of becoming law.

"Destructive and reckless behaviour damages communities and should not be tolerated," Nicholson said in a release.

It's all about control, comrades. There will be a law for everyone to be under some type of control. Everyone. Some folks in this country are simply too stupid to see what is happening.

the commie2012/05/06
at 9:28 PM ET
Yeah, commie boy... like your beloved NDP?
• TORONTO • Chain restaurant customers deserve to know how much junk they're packing into their trunks, NDP MPP France Gelinas says.

Her private member's bill — Healthy Decisions for Healthy Eating — would require restaurants to post calorie counts on menus.

RELATED: Oh... poor baby

He must be traumatised... let's bring him home and get him some counselling...
Mr. LeBon was intercepted by an Illinois state trooper for a minor traffic violation in 2007. A search of his car trunk uncovered 119 kilos of cocaine. He is now serving a 10-year sentence at a minimum-security penitentiary in Pennsylvania.