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11 April 2012

Making hay while the sun sh... er...

...river floods...
That outside review Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development ordered in November was tasked with tracking what happened to $10.5 million in federal flood-compensation funding.
Manitoba, Manitoba... that sounds so familiar...
-- WINNIPEG -- A Manitoba native group misspent more than $6 million in federal health-care funds on exotic trips and unjustified payments to the organization's CEO, a federal audit has revealed.
Heck, that's just what the wiley white man is saying... let's ask CTV's perennial spokes-native...
"One, either you pick up a gun, or you stand between the white man and his money," (Chief) Terry Nelson of the Roseau River First Nation told CTV Newsnet's Mike Duffy Live on Tuesday.

FROM THE COMMENTS: Read the Auditors Report