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24 April 2012

Funny how he saved all his best stuff...

...for the BBC...
Less than a year after he asked voters to make him prime minister, Michael Ignatieff is now warning that Quebec and Canada are almost two separate countries, drifting towards a possible breakup.

Ignatieff says he's saddened to see how Canada and Quebec have become isolated, with the optimism of decades past having given way to disillusionment.

"Now effectively, we’re almost two separate countries."
That whirring sound you hear is P.E.T. spinning in his grave.


UPDATE: Ask a Liberal "intellectual"
flee, flee, run awayMichael Ignatieff... making friends wherever he goes...
"Parti Québécois leader Pauline Marois concluded that to have a prominent federalist arrive at the same conclusion as herself was another sign that her cause was just."

"'Two separate countries' and he has no foothold in either, as both feet are firmly stuck in his mouth."