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14 March 2012

You say to-may-toe...

...I say to-mah... er, well... bullshit...
“Liberals are committed to co-operating with this investigation,” Interim Liberal Leader Bob Rae said. “We are setting the standard for openness and transparency, and we expect that all other political parties will follow suit.”
Of course, there's "openness and transparency" AND THEN there's "Liberal openness and transparency"...
Speaking to reporters later, Mr. Rae acknowledged the bounty of materials provided to Elections Canada did not include information on a Liberal robo-call in Guelph that attacked Conservative candidate Marty Burke for his stand on abortion.
Hmmm... didn't the Liberal Party also not acknowledge that they were behind this attack... in contravention of Election Canada laws?

Stand by for opposition mouthpiece Ted Betts to jump to Mr Rae's defense in three, two...


RELATED: Dirty tricks... it's a Liberal thing
“Mr. Carroll remains willing to voluntarily appear and respect the invitation that was originally extended to him on March 8, 2012,” the letter said. “Ultimatums and threats without legal foundation are unnecessary, undignified and abusive.”
You know... unlike splashing someone's messy divorce all over the internet.