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22 March 2012

Po-tay-toe, po-tah-toe...

...the over-hyped, faux dramatic world of professional journalism...all's well that ends well"Wrong"... wrong how, Oliver?
"Talks began. The substance of several of the exchanges was relayed to the media and the suspect seems to have been 'keen' to explain his motives."
Hmmm, lemme see... serial murder... public confession... and an expeditious sentencing...
"Mr. Merah died moments later after tumbling from the bathroom window, still firing."
Yes, Oliver... "keen" is a very good word. I'm sure Mr. Merah was enthusiastic about his, uh... work. Especially the murdering children part of it.

Funny, though... not a single mention of the word "justice."

I'm thinkin' this one worked out just fine.


UPDATE: They had to dust this guy... cover up their unbelievable incompetence.