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06 March 2012

A magical, egalitarean land...

...where, apparently... your first murdered woman is totally deductible...
stop the insanity
- TORONTO - When potentially violent George May vanished in January, he showed up at Sunnybrook hospital on his own. But staff didn't tell Toronto Police he was there until the following day, hours after the 51-year-old man sat unattended for about eight hours before leaving.

Police later found him in a coffee shop.
Potentially violent? Potentially!!!?

We know this guy's a killer... but he gets to roam Toronto streets at will?
On Monday, the psychiatric patient who was found not guilty because of diminished capacity for the 2001 murder of a woman, vanished again, this time from CAMH in the Queen St. W.-Lansdowne Ave. area.
Yeah... let's just wait for him to kill again... so CBC can do endless rounds of interviews with people who "never saw this coming."


RELATED: Poster boy for noose...

...continuing to make demands...
• TORONTO • A killer who’s serving life in prison for shooting a Napean cop has lost a fight for parole and deportation to his native England where he could live unsupervised by authorities.
Frankly... I'm surprised he wants to leave...
A Canadian Human Rights Tribunal last year ordered the Correctional Service of Canada to pay Collins $9,500 for making him stand up for a daily head count even though he suffers from severe chronic pain.

He was also presented the 2008 Canadian Award for Action on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights.
That omnibus crime bill can't pass soon enough for me.