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05 March 2012

How will Dalton McGuinty...

...fulfill his PRE-ELECTION promise to reinstate Ontario doctors making housecalls... when his pet ORNGE project doesn't even have enough people to run properly?
"The province’s air ambulance service does not have enough paramedics to staff its helicopters and airplanes, forcing the province’s cash-strapped hospitals to often provide their own medical escorts for patients."
Just a little something else to ponder... as you're sitting waiting for 6 hours in your local hospital emergency room...
"Not only are hospitals dipping into their operating budgets to pay the nurses’ wages, including overtime, they also have to backfill their shifts when they are short staffed themselves."
Hey, don't blame me... I didn't vote for him.


UPDATE: Don't worry, there's always a solution
"How soon can you get over here? It's a surprise for my wife."
(via Maggies Farm)