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22 February 2012

Seriously, now... it's a "migrant tragedy?"

I wonder how the widow of non-migrant transport driver Chris Fulton feels about that...
chris, who?Ah well, enough blather... here in fuzzy-bunny, politically correct Canauckistan... "diversity" is Job #1 & Only ...
"Over the weekend, she journeyed out to the fateful intersection. She discovered no smoking gun. Only a stop sign that should have prevented the van from entering into oncoming traffic but somehow failed to do so."
The stop sign?!!! You're gonna blame the freakin' stop sign?!!! 'Cos it should have been, what... more forceful? More stoppy?

Or is it just possible... even in a culture that apparently values diversity above common-sense... to apportion some of the blame here to van driver David Blancas-Hernandez?

Yeah, you know... the guy who apparently blew through that stop sign... a man who, in violation of Canadian law, had been driving without the proper license for years.

And what of Chris Fulton, by all accounts a hard-working family man and professional driver... a man who played by the rules and was on his way home to celebrate his wedding anniversary?

Pointedly, he gets mentioned, only once by name... and I quote...
"Chris Fulton, the Canadian truck driver whose rig hit the van."
Well, the inference there seems pretty clear, if not actually libelous.

I guess balanced, "professional" journalism truly is a thing of the past.

Thank you, Globe & Mail.