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13 February 2012

Journalism's Golden Rule... if it bleeds...

...(or drowns in its own vomit)... it leads...don't need a weathermanOf course, there's also (barring, for example, actually dropping that baby off the balcony) a certain amount of obligatory celebrity ass-kissing/ rationalisation going on...
Price added that Houston "didn't look like she was under the influence of anything. She drank some champagne and toasted Kelly Price's three Grammy nominations Thursday night. That's what Whitney Houston did."
And, it's true... if you cherrypick the dozens of pictures taken that night you can actually, like ABC news, come up with an image that doesn't scare the shit outta your average citizen... unlike, say...

don't need a weatherman(Feel free to click on the picture directly above if you're interested in reality.)

Then there's the malarkey about Houston's daughter being "stressed out"...
On Friday night, Houston's 18 year old daughter Bobbi Kristina FELL ASLEEP in another bathtub at the Beverly Hilton. Friends had to contact hotel security so she could be removed from the tub.
And, incidentally... carted off to the hospital in an ambulance.

Drugs? Pish-tosh... perish the thought.

Which is precisely the Oprah/Diane Sawyer mindset (Whitney beat addiction... clap, clap, clap) which brought everyone here in the first place.

Whatever happened to actually telling the truth? When did being "judgemental" become such a bad thing?

Just ask Whitney Houst... oh... right.