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08 February 2012

It was a made for CTV story...

...and they surely milked the shit out of it... poor migrant farm workers, killed en-mass... betrayed by their Canadian dream.

Lisa LaFlamme, heir to the corpse that was Lloyd Robertson... in their lead story on national television last night... called upon not one, but two separate reporters... to make media hay out of the bloody, battered corpses in the demolished van. The subtext of the story was, of course, how these poor people had left their homes & families to be exploited in a foreign uncaring land... and now they were dead.

Lisa & company went as far as to show grieving friends at the crash site (always media gold, right?) and assorted television clips... from Peru.

It seemed pretty obvious what had actually transpired, but CTV never lets the facts get in the way of a good multicultural fable... whether it's brutal cops, sociopathic Canadian soldiers, or bloodsucking capitalist gringos.

In actual fact, though... the blame for this sad tale falls squarely on the driver of the migrant's van.
Police now believe that the crash that killed 11 people on an Ontario rural road happened after 45-year-old David Armando Blancas Hernandez, the driver of a van carrying migrant farm workers failed to yield at a stop sign and got hit by an oncoming trailer truck.

Mr. Blancas needed a class-F licence to operate a 15-seat van but only had a class-G driver's permit, police said.
So, to recap... David Armando Blancas Hernandez, who was not even properly licensed, blew through a stop sign... and caused the deaths of 11 innocent people... what we would usually refer to, in non-CTV circles, as negligent homicide. But heck... where's the pathos in that?

Note also... the story made quick work of the other victim in this tale... Chris Fulton. It was left to Mr. Fulton's employer to speak to his good name.
It appears, his employer Speedy Transport said in a news release Tuesday night, Fulton tried to dodge the van carrying 13 Peruvian farm workers -- and in doing so, lost his life.
Then again... Chris Fulton was just an ordinary Canadian who followed the rules.

And we all know there's no worthy television moral in that story. Right, Lisa?


UPDATE: The eighth stage of grief...

...hire a shyster...
A lawyer representing the families of four of the victims of the crash Monday that claimed 11 lives in southwestern Ontario says he'll explore whether the van the men were riding in had anything to do with the tragic outcome.

"We will be filing the paperwork with the (Workplace Safety and Insurance Board) and the police to get more details as to what happened and to explore the liability situation," Toronto lawyer Juan Carranza told Postmedia News on Thursday.
Lemme see... improperly licensed driver... who ran a stopsign... yeah, it's gotta be a DEFECTIVE VAN.

Not much detail (one media report so far) on the other 2004 crash that also killed Peruvian farm workers in the Kitchener area.