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20 January 2012

Or, as it's known... the rest of the population... "leadership"...ask a professional journalistAh, yes, the inevitable "seizing." You can almost picture the Prime Minister's rough dirty hands closing around some completely inoffensive treehugger's throat.

Funny how, if you're a "professional" journalist and it involves Stephen Harper... events inevitably have that sharp, merciless, bloody edge...
"Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver came out guns blazing... Mr. Harper really put the premiers on defence".
Good grief... seems those evil, controlling Conservatives are always perpetuating (if only figuratively) violence on the hapless, well-meaning Opposition...
"a storyline that sticks helped the Conservatives sink two successive Liberal leaders... Critics and stakeholders were left struggling".
Yes, my children... if only we still had the soothing touch of a wise, compassionate Laytonesque healer to soothe our fevered collective brow.

I've gotta ask... do these folks ever listen to themselves? They apparently just don't know when to turn down the volume. No wonder the print media is going down the shitter.

Bring it, you dumb bunnies. It's why, in no small part... we have a Conservative majority government.