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12 January 2012

Now, I'll admit I'm no religious scholar...

...but please, somebody show me that shura... you know... where the Prophet doesn't give a cockroach's crap about teenage girls having pre-marital sex...oh, c'mon... we didn't give it a second thought"Not a big concern", huh?


Thing is, Toobs, call me a prude... and hey, never mind religion... I find condoms littering my teen's domestic landscape, I'm guessin' the only phrase I'm NOT gonna be wearing out is... "Hey, sweetie... no big deal".

Like findin' a stash of pills in your kid's sock drawer... this is something most parents (Muslim, Christian, vegetable, mineral...) are gonna address a little more seriously than, say... eating all your greens before we pull out the Ben & Jerrys'.

Say, wait a sec... where's dear ol' dad in all this? He's cool with it too, right? 'Cos there's that special bond between... wait a minute...
i swear... i got nuthin'Okay... I guess we're calling that a "no".

And, you know... I'm not having any trouble knowing exactly what's in the man's heart.

Then again, Tooba... it's not like you're actually fooling anyone.

Well... besides yourself.


RELATED: Always nice to see...

...multiculturalism in full bloom...
"Chilling Allegation made by Mama Shafia that the police threatened to torture her son if she didn't fess up!"
Another little tactic straight out of the captured terrorist handbook.

I'm shocked.