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13 December 2011

No real surprise here...

...the last federal Dipper poohbah apparently couldn't tell a legitimate medical clinic from a sleazy Chinatown rub'n'tug...
NDP Leader Andrea Horwath said Tuesday that she’s not sure why federal Immigration Minister Jason Kenney is focused on new regulations that would require Muslim women wearing niqabs and burkas to show their faces to take the citizenship oath.

UPDATE: Once again, the ever-prescient NDP...

...has their pinko fingers on the pulse of the nation...
-- TORONTO -- Canadians overwhelmingly support having Muslim women remove their veils to take the citizenship oath, a poll shows.

Forum Research released figures Thursday showing a whopping 81% of those polled support having women who wear the niqab, or veil, remove it when they swear allegiance during citizenship ceremonies.

“We don’t get a lot of numbers in the 80% range in the polling business,” Forum President Lorne Bozinoff said.

“This is very unusual having people fairly unanimous on an issue like this.”