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09 December 2011

Hey... it's a start

• OTTAWA • QMI Agency has learned Immigration Minister Jason Kenney will announce Friday in Montreal that the government will move to revoke the allegedly fraudulent citizenships of 2,100 Canadians.
Of course, it's one thing to talk about cracking down... and another entirely to actually do it...
• BRANTFORD • A convicted terrorist ordered deported from Canada two decades ago is still living with his family in a modest semi-detached bungalow in Brantford.

Under orders of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the then-25-year-old guerrilla fighter and another man hurled grenades and sprayed the plane with machine-gun fire.
If we can't dump this guy... then this latest talk is simply more hot air.

Your move, Mr Kenney.


RELATED: Need another example?
Though thwarted in his efforts to gain refugee status in Canada and facing a deportation order, Chowdhury has avoided expulsion from this country for nearly a decade because of Canada’s legal obligation — the result of a 2001 Supreme Court ruling — not to deport or extradite suspected criminals who may face execution in another country, except in the most “exceptional” circumstances.
Oh Canada.