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02 November 2011

Yup... that's some unique cultural identity... got goin' there...
Quebec's Justice Minister says his province simply won't pay the costs associated with the federal government's new crime bill.

Jean-Marc Fournier told a Commons committee that Quebec's criminal justice system is the envy of the world, and his government simply won't pay for changes that would jeopardize that.
I guess you folks in "la belle province" know all about crime & criminals...

liar, liarGotta say, Jean-Marc... you've got more nerve than Dick Tracy...
British Columbia has thrown up the odd chiselling premier, Atlantic Canada is famously steeped in patronage, but there is no comparison to the kind of octopussal industry-union-mob-party configuration lurking just below the surface of politics in Quebec.

RELATED: Dalton sides with Parti Québécois
The federal law-and-order agenda is out of sync with the priorities of his government.
Yeah... there's a shocker. Seems we read about the Liberal "catch & release" agenda every day.
The Premier made it clear he is prepared to wage another very public battle with Mr. Harper, with whom he has had an on-and-off relationship in recent years.
Don't blame me, Ontario... I didn't vote for him.


"I'm getting the "Lepine special" rifle, the one he used to murder 14 women, in honour of the registry being scrapped. I can sell them to bad guys, and nobody will know."
Lepine, Lepine... that sounds so familiar.