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07 November 2011

Behold the inevitable result...

...of putting national pride on the back burner...
Four suspects were caught on camera vandalizing a war memorial in front of a Toronto school, the principal said Monday after the cenotaph was damaged ahead of Remembrance Day for the second straight year.

Toronto District School Board officials said four young men vandalized a First World War memorial in front of Malvern Collegiate, near Gerrard Street E. & Main Street, on Sunday.

"For me there is a certain arrogant contempt for the community when these young men could come and with such casual consideration decide what they were going to do, do it and then take pictures of themselves defacing the monument."
Ah yes, Toronto... that preening bastion of Liberal values.

Hey, CTV... you forgot to show us the videotape.


"They also don't want vigilantes like yourself executing these idiots for destroying property."
Just another nugget from the genius who sends me a dozen "Heil Harper" emails every week.