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23 November 2011

Ask a "professional" journalist

Property rights & self defence... oh, the horror...
"The Harper government has re-introduced legislation that expands the circumstances under which a citizen’s arrest can be made and that also aims to simplify laws related to self-defence and defence of property."
Hey, call me wacky... that sounds... especially in light of the recent David Chen fiasco... like a good thing.

I guess, though... I'm not as visionary as "professional" journalist Douglas Quan... who boldly tosses a soupçon of post-Harper, (aka post-apocalyptic) spice into the journalistic stew...
"Some [APPARENTLY UNSPECIFIED... my emphasis] legal and security experts have expressed concerns the proposed reforms could lead to vigilantism, but the government says there are enough safeguards in place."
Really, Doug... "some" people? And they have "expertise", you say?

Would you care to elaborate... or should we just picture half-starved, trans-gendered, young offender shoplifters dangling from shopping centre lamp posts?

I swear... these days it's all about vague, unsubstantiated throw-away lines.

Do papers actually employ editors anymore?


RELATED: That's not journalism...

...this is journalism...
"What's so damned special about junkies that they merit the equivalent of a taxpayer funded drunk drivers' lane with rescue teams at the ready?"