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27 November 2011

And this is news... how?

Hmmm, gonna go out on a limb here... and hazard a guess you ain't gonna find him in his birthday suit at some sketchy Chinatown massage parlour either...this is news, huh?BUT IT'S STILL NOT NEWS.


"I do not have a problem with legalizing all drugs: pot, cocaine, heroin PROVIDED we completely dismantle the welfare state; medicare, pharmacare, public education, social assistance including CPP and OAS."

"If one chooses to waste their life on drugs (including booze & tobacco) I should not be compelled to pay the bill."

RELATED: Who's torquing your headlines?

Here's a hint... it ain't Karl Rove or the Tea Party...
Britain’s leading green activist research centre spent £15,000 on seminars for top BBC executives in an apparent bid to block climate change sceptics from the airwaves, a vast new cache of leaked ‘Climategate’ emails has revealed.

They show that University staff vetted BBC scripts, used their contacts at the Corporation to stop sceptics being interviewed and were consulted about how the broadcaster should alter its programme output.

LAST WORD: Yup... that's just how...

...I remember it.