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27 October 2011

The perils of "feelgood" journalism

Is it just possible, Peace Moonbeam... that very publicly soliciting the assistance of an accused serial killer's mummy... might not serve the cause of objective journalism, or... more to the point... actual justice?mommy's little angelBut, but, but... it feels so good... and what could possibly go wrong?professional journalism againProfessional journalists... your ethical & intellectual superiors.

Meanwhile... over at Canada's very own little Pravda... "What is this fact-check you speak of?"
-- TORONTO -- The CBC "misrepresented" calls embattled Mayor Rob Ford made to 911 in which he did not call the operators insulting names, the city's police chief said Friday.
"Misrepresent," huh? Is that anything like, oh... I dunno... a lie?
In a statement, Bill Blair said he had listened to the three emergency calls Ford made and felt it necessary "to set the record straight" about the calls.
I guess it could have been worse... the CBC could have asked Mary Walsh's mother for her opinion.