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21 October 2011

Oh, c'mon... honour killing...

...that'd never happen here in... wait a minute...
-- KINGSTON, Ont. -- May the devil shit on their graves,” Mohammad Shafia told his second wife, Tooba Mohammad Yahya, 20 days after the bodies of the couple’s three teenage daughters and Mr. Shafia’s first wife were recovered from a car in the water at the locks. In another snippet recorded by the device police had placed in a family car, Mr. Shafia told Ms. Yahya, “They committed treason themselves. They betrayed humankind. They betrayed Islam. They betrayed our religion…they betrayed everything.”
But, but, but... Saint Pierre of Montreal swore multiculturalism was the piquant sauce our bland Canadian culture desperately needed. How far are we gonna go with this politically-correct accommmodation?
"Imagine 'Constable Duncan MacDonald' who is of Scottish heritage, waltzes into the station tomorrow decked out in a ceremonial kilt, complete with sporran. How many nanoseconds would tick by before P.C. MacDonald is hauled before a supervisor and sternly disciplined?"
I thought people came to Canada to embrace our values & lifestyle. I know that's what my parents did. 

RELATED:   I blame Prince Charles
-- KINGSTON, Ont. -- “We must be very clear in understanding that this barbaric practice occurs in many countries and cannot be traced back to Islam,” Imam Sikander Hashmi said. “In England, provocation, code word for adultery, was a legal defence for men who killed their wives until 2009, so this is only two years ago that this was changed.”
You know, Sikander... I'm thinkin' you could maybe have found a more appropriate example.