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03 October 2011

Hope, change and...

..."because I say so"...
Months ago, the Obama Administration revealed that it would target al-Awlaki. It even managed to wriggle out of a lawsuit filed by his father to prevent the assassination. But the actual legal reasoning the Department of Justice used to authorize the strike? It's secret. Classified. Information that the public isn't permitted to read, mull over, or challenge.

Obama hasn't just set a new precedent about killing Americans without due process. He has done so in a way that deliberately shields from public view the precise nature of the important precedent he has set.

It's time for the president who promised to create "a White House that's more transparent and accountable than anything we've seen before" to release the DOJ memo.
Oh, c'mon... who really cares about this sort of thing? Nice clean surgical strike... thousands of miles from home.

It's not like it's a Bush/Cheney "war crime"... you know, like waterboarding.

Obviously, some animals are more equal than others.

Right, America?


RELATED: And it ain't just Republicans

Your own people start takin' shots... it's time to take notice...
“They can’t see around corners; they anticipate nothing,” says House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of the president and his advisers.