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25 October 2011

Driveway interview? More like assault.

Rob Ford should've taken a page outta the Jean Chretien playbook... grabbed this dumb bunny by her ugly, unfunny face and tossed her to the ground...
just another reason
"'I came out of my house and I was ambushed,' said Ford. 'It was pretty dark still and my daughter was with me, there was a black Jeep or something outside of my door, I sort of looked at it ... then two people who didn’t identify themselves came running up, they tried to get in my car and they stopped me from getting in my car'."

"The surprise "DRIVEWAY INTERVIEW" by the comedy show scared Ford’s six-year-old daughter so much she ran back into the family home. The incident prompted Ford to call Toronto Police."
Whatever your personal feelings may be about Mayor Rob Ford... this crosses a line. Funny how the CBC doesn't think to ambush Dalton McGuinty at his Rosedale mansion. Maybe because they'd have to try slip past his burly OPP bodyguard/driver.

More to the point, though... is this what you expect the CBC to be doing with your annual, involuntary billion-plus taxpayer dollar contribution?

How funny would this have been if the "warrior princess" had slipped underneath the wheels of Ford's car?


"Ford should have kicked her right in the nuts. The CBC is a cess-pool full of these vile lefty activists. What a disgrace."