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17 September 2011

Welcome to the Colonel Klink school...

...of building a better world...
"STRATFORD - The tornado that devastated Goderich last month left more than uprooted trees, damaged buildings and crushed cars in its wake."

"'It also left valuable lessons in emergency management', says Perth County's community emergency response co-ordinator."
Valuable lessons, huh? Is that what the guys with the clipboards & checklists told you? papers pleaseSomebody, please... refresh my memory... when exactly, did we turn into a nation of obsessive-compulsive pencil-pushers?
"Coun. Bill French said he was bothered some Mennonite Central Committee volunteers hoping to help with the cleanup were turned away because they didn't have chainsaw safety certification, and donated lunches were thrown out because they weren't prepared in inspected kitchens."
Somehow, the building permits have become more important than the actual buildings.