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07 September 2011

Same Planet... Different Worlds

Hobbema, Hobbema... I dunno... that sounds so familiar...
-- HOBBEMA, Alta. -- An RCMP officer says deadly violence on the Samson Cree reserve in central Alberta won't end unless residents stop supporting gang members and come forward as witnesses.
Whoa, that seems a little harsh... all those rules...hobbema heats up yet againI mean... we can't dump on these folks just because they won't kowtow to our racist anglo constructs, right?

Why shouldn't Aboriginal peoples be allowed to handle this according to their age-old traditional ways?
"They have posted both angry and sympathetic messages on the social networking site."
Hey, you've got Facebook... whaddaya need with jackbooted errand boys of the repressive state?

-- P.S. -- Just a heads-up for all my neighbours... you start shooting babies round here... I'll be 9-1-1'ing your homicidal ass before the brass hits the ground.

Sorry, bro... THAT'S MY CULTURE.