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02 September 2011

Nasty, paranoid, warlord Stephen Harp...

...wait a minute...who actually sent our troops to afghanistan
"The difficulty is the next wars . . . will not be countries against countries. It will be fanaticism, extremists and perhaps financed and helped by some countries."
Hmmm, that's weird... suddenly I'm not hearing that infamous multi-culti mantra these guys are usually spouting at the drop of a hat.

But wait... it gets better...
"And this is much more complicated. Because you don't see them. They are invisible. They might be your neighbour who is, in fact, a terrorist."
Oh... my... gawd... our neighbours are terrorists?

Is that the official party line now, Jean? 'Cos that's some pretty scary stuff. Man... can you imagine the media shitstorm if even one backwater Conservative MP said something like that?

I guess it does explain why the Liberal Party of Canada rushed in the Anti-Terrorism Act in the fall of 2001... and sent all those soldiers to Afghanistan.

But, heck... they've got it all figured out, don't they...
"I think overall, Canadians think we are the good guys and, 'Who would want to hurt us? We are not like the United States.'"

"That psychological distancing, while I understand why people do it — to give themselves a sense of comfort or reassurance — is dangerous in the world in which we live."

RELATED: The only surprise here... that... anyone is surprised...
"As Joël-Denis Bellavance reported in La Presse on Saturday, documents obtained from Canada’s Foreign Affairs Department show that the Liberal government was warned in 2003, 2004 and 2005 that torture was an ongoing practice in Afghan prisons."

"Yet Paul Martin nonetheless signed a 2005 agreement by which our soldiers would transfer detainees to Afghan custody."
The Liberal Party of Canada... they're flexible.