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02 September 2011

The first ten days... you couldn't...

...get the big orange machine to take a breath between sentences... but suddenly, it's all darkness & crickets...the song that never ends
-- Charles Adler ,QMI Agency -- "Did the public not have a right to know? If you’re asking voters to sign up for four years, are you obliged to tell them you may very well be signing off much sooner than that?"
Let's face facts... the NDP (as a political entity) didn't make a breakthrough this election... it was all down to one man. Without Jack Layton, they would have ended up in the basement... yet again.

So, the question is... if Jack and his select inner-circle knew he was gonna be checking out very shortly after the votes were counted... should they have concealed that fact from the Canadian people?
"Memo to the NDP: Canadian taxpayers spent millions of dollars on a funeral your party turned into an infomercial. We can’t bill you for it. But you owe Canada honest answers about the final days of Saint Jack."
So, hey guys... what about it?

It's a really simple question. Olivia? Thomas? Libby?
