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10 September 2011

Apparently, the Liberal campaign co-chair...

...thinks Ontarians are a bunch of morons...
“I never thought I’d have to explain something so obvious and something with so much common sense." --
Yes, of course Greg... if only the average man on the street was as smart as, oh, I dunno... a Fiberal party pooh-bah.

Not that I can't see the reasoning here.

A while ago, I heard that 52% of Torontonians self-identify as being members of a visible minority. Obviously, Greg & company feel that those votes are for sale... and have acted accordingly.

I don't think that's gonna work. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and hazard a guess that perhaps not all Ontarians (whatever their ethnic origin) are on board with the Liberals politically-correct system of quotas and taxpayer-subsidised "affirmative action" plans.
After six days of defending the $10,000-credit program without providing details beyond the vague promise in its campaign literature the Liberals had campaign co-chair Greg Sorbara outline exactly who would qualify for the grants the $12-million a year program.
I think Ontarians... and indeed, most Canadians still believe in a meritocracy... where people earn their rewards.

I think most people are smart enough to realise that all of this valuta ultimately comes out of their own pockets.


"Why don't the Glibs promise that $12 (million) to the college and university grads from Ontario who aren't working in the jobs for which the were educated. Like 98% of my graduating college class, for instance."

LAST WORD: The future is already here