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28 August 2011

No business like show business

All that love and hope and renewal... and yet, strangely... the bullets still continue to fly...bright lights, big cityI sure hope the gentleman in question here gets the full throttle, no stones unturned coverage that our professional journalist betters have shown us they can... when they're moved by the holy spirit... deliver.

Please, please, please... let's hear all about the "love of his life" and the kittens he saved... and let's not forget the obligatory photo essays.

Hey... one man's life is just as important as any other... right?

And yet, somehow... I don't think that's gonna happen here.

But don't you fret, digital sucklings... the beast must be fed. CTV's gonna satiate that never-ending hunger with a special retrospective love-fest for longtime CTV shill, Lloyd Robertson...
"Lloyd is an icon, we couldn't be more proud of him and to be able to create this tribute to him is a real privilege."
It's a privilege to "create this tribute?" Seriously?

Do we really need more media-minted "shake & bake" celebrity heroes? Are we so bereft of meaning in our daily lives that we suck up whatever pap the media conglomerates toss our way?

The phrase "nation of sheep" comes readily to mind.

Ask yourself a couple of questions. Do you worship at the altar of "reality tv?" Do you walk down the street humming, "JJ said it would?"

Do you call your car "Shelly?"

Wake up, folks... and smell the manipulation.