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10 August 2011

Grand ol' lady of Canadian journalism...

...yet again... never afraid to ask the really, really hard questions...
still too many journalistsUh-huh... because gawd forbid anybody actually delve into an issue, for example, that is actually burning parts of London to the ground...
"Was any of this ever mentioned in their presentation? Of course not. Just like the news about the Tottenham riots doesn’t mention race either."
No, no, no... I don't wanna hear any of that.

More Pippa... pretty please.


UPDATE: Body count rises
"A murder investigation has been launched after three people were killed in Birmingham while apparently trying to protect their homes from rioters."
And, once again, ...the Globe gets straight to the heart of the matter...
those poor riotersYes... of course... that's the real problem... citizens defending their families & homes.

Or, as they're known in media circles... "vigilantes".