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11 July 2011

No more Mr. Nice Guy

This is why I wanted to see a Harper majority... so the kid gloves could really come off...
-- OTTAWA -- Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird is set to announce Monday that Canada is boycotting the United Nations Conference on Disarmament over North Korea’s involvement, a senior government source told Postmedia News.

“The fact that it gets a turn chairing a United Nations committee focused on disarmament is unacceptable,” Baird said in a statement last week.

“We call on North Korea to pass the chair on to a credible country that will advance the disarmament agenda within the UN.”
Quite a refreshing change from the "business as usual" crowd...
Baird’s Monday announcement comes in contrast to the warm words Canada’s ambassador to the UN in Geneva had for his North Korean counterpart after his appointment last week.