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08 July 2011

A little unclear on the concept...

...democracy, that is...
-- ISLAMABAD -- The allegation by the top U.S. military officer that Pakistan’s government sanctioned the killing of a journalist who wrote about the country’s powerful security establishment was “extremely irresponsible,” the Pakistani state-run news agency said.
You'll notice that this isn't... in any way, shape or form... an actual denial of the allegation.

Of course, that's what you get from state-run journalism...
The state-run Associated Press of Pakistan issued a statement hours later in which an unnamed government spokesman called Mullen’s allegations “extremely irresponsible” and said that it “will not help in investigating the issue.”
Sure... just like you'll be investigating why Osama Bin-Laden lived for years in a protected compound... just down the road from Pakistan's equivalent of West Point.

No wonder the war in Afghanistan has dragged on for a decade.
Shahzad’s tortured body was found in late May after he’d told friends he’d been threatened by Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence agency.