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03 July 2011

Hey, it's just politics... right?

When Dalton McGuinty says something, you can take it right to the mosque, er... to the bank... I mean bank! --
The last Ontario General Election was Oct 10 2007. John Tory lost because of campaign plank supporting public funding to all religious school. In fact, Ontario voters overwhelmingly rejected this.

Even McGuinty on election night took a shot at Tory because of it: "We do not want to see our children divided," McGuinty told supporters gathered at Ottawa's Fairmont Chateau Laurier. "We want publicly funded schools, not public funds for private schools."

Posted by Ann - (6:16 PM)

UPDATE: MSM catches up to BCF
“School administration take part preparing the cafeteria and making it into a mosque every Friday. Only Muslims can use the cafeteria during the Islamic prayers.”

“It is run by parents, voluntary and keeps the students safely at school instead of leaving to go to the mosque,” Gershon said. “It came about after discussions with parents , community leaders and the school administration.

She said there has been no complaint from anyone about the prayer services.