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09 July 2011

From the same folks who brought you...

...a billion dollars in hospital construction cost over-runs...
-- TORONTO -- Ontario taxpayers will shell out $20 million to compensate businesses and residents caught up in the Caledonia land claim crisis.

Attorney General Chris Bentley said the government was pleased to reach a settlement in a class action lawsuit brought in 2006 by residents and business owners who suffered losses as a result of the Douglas Creek Estates claim.

RELATED: What are the real costs...

...of living in Dalton's "socialist paradise?"
In Zone 1, the government acknowledges, the “impacts experienced” were: “Delegation of policing to Six Nations [the very band some of whose members, after all, led the occupation] and subjected to frequent gunfire, loud noises, smoke, verbal assaults, personal property damage, ATVs, camouflaged protesters, high volume of traffic, checkpoints.”