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05 June 2011

That evil, backstabbing Stephen Harp...

...hang on a second...
-- By Warren Kinsella, QMI Agency -- At staff and campaign meetings — which, full disclosure, I also attended for a while — Rocco was a constant presence, beaming away with those impressive equine teeth of his, but contributing precious little.
Oh, good grief... this isn't gonna be another one of those infamous Kinsella... oh, who am I kidding, of course it is...

human shrapnel
Rossi was dishing to the Yanks about what was going on in Ignatieff’s office. He kvetched that Ignatieff wasn’t listening to super-smart guys like him. Instead, Rossi whined, the Grit boss was much more preoccupied with his wife Zsuzsanna Zhosar.
Man... I just had this weird flash of deja-vu... like there was some other Kinsella-Rossi connection... wait...
"Rumours are swirling that the Rocco Rossi team will announce, as early as its Monday morning policy announcement, that it has landed a big political fish for its campaign team."
Hmmm... anybody remember how that Cinderella story worked out?

And, call me wacky... who was the guy who recently planted that machete between the Puffin King's shoulder blades?
"Secondly, Michael Ignatieff feels more comfortable among Rosedalian Liberals. You know, the ones who – over martinis at the Toronto Tennis Club – always felt more kinship with the likes of John Turner or Paul Martin than they did with, say, Pierre Trudeau or Jean Chretien. You know, Liberal lefties who win elections."
Doesn't Mr Kinsella allegedly make a living in "public relations"... specialising in people of a political stripe?

I guess that explains some Liberal insiders infamously coining the phrase "human shrapnel."