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26 June 2011


You mean your employer doesn't offer you a gold-plated pension & benefits, seven weeks of holidays yearly and substantial sick leave on top of that? --

Hmmm... I guess maybe that accounts for the 70 percent of Canadians who supported the back to work legislation.

I mean, this one's a no-brain... wait a minute...
"The leftist New Democratic Party had held up the bill with 58 grueling hours of day-and-night debate."
Of course they did.

Hope you're all enjoying Jack Layton's version of "working with all parties to get things done."


"As this is a crown corporation may I suggest it should be reserved for the employment of our former armed service personnel. They deserve a fat cat job with all the benefits at least."

LAST WORD: I'm from the government...

...I'm here to save you, er... enrich me...
One example of how large and untenable this gap has become can be found in Statistics Canada’s recent observation that public sector employees now constitute a majority of all pension plan participants, despite being outnumbered more than three to one in the workforce.

This suggests two types of retirement in the future: one of carefree luxury for public sector employees, and one of reduced expectations for everyone else.

A similar dichotomy is at work with Ontario’s practice of paying a bonus to every corrections staffer who takes fewer than 23 sick days per year.