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29 June 2011

In other "big-spirited frontier city" news

Do your teenage sons have "ready smiles", "a love of partying" and "a penchant for getting into the occasional dust-up?" -- halls of macadamia/A "penchant"? Is that what got these "two smiling frontier city partiers" killed?


The gap between actual news & Entertainment Tonight continues to narrow.

I'm just waiting for the Globe & Mail to start all of their crime reporting... "Once upon a time..."

And on the same page...
I rest my case.


RELATED: Teenage partiers... an @risk demographic
Police said the 17-year-old was standing at the edge of the bluffs with a small group of people near Scarborough Crescent, where he was attending a party.

A 911 call was placed at about midnight, but police say they were not contacted immediately after the fall.