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24 May 2011

"It began as a offhand remark..."

... "hey, what if we just didn’t tell?" --

And then Stocker found a book in his school library called X: A Fabulous Child’s Story by Lois Gould. The book, published in 1978, is about raising not a boy or a girl, but X.

There’s a happy ending here. Little X — who loved to play football and weave baskets — faces the taunting head on, proving that X is the most well-adjusted child ever examined by “an impartial team of Xperts.”

“It became so compelling it was almost like, How could we not?” says Witterick.

"This is sad because these kids have no chance. They will always be screwed up. It isn't normal to be 'genderless'."

"Also, why do all their kids have stripper names?"
Posted by: slaw at May 24, 2011 12:10 PM