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17 May 2011

I get that there are people...

...who can't function unless they're pinned under a heavy institutional thumb, but... maybe if Canadian jails were a little closer to their American analogues... we'd have a few less career criminals...
"Everyone must go through the bullpen. Everyone gets his picture taken, his fingers printed, his height and weight measured, and his urine sampled. The AIDS test is optional."

"Strauss-Kahn would also have been strip-searched, having to turn his back to his jailers, squat, and lift the bottoms of his bare feet for inspection."
I know they'd only have to lock me up once at Riker's Island.


RELATED: Sorry, Dom-Ass... this time... have to pay the piper...
In other words, he just does whatever he feels like and doesn't give a damn because he gets away with it and his associates and his wife don't seem to care all that much.

To diagnose that (eg Impulse Disorder, or Sex Addiction) is simply to excuse, or dignify, the sort of bad behavior that most people decide, often with great struggle, to limit to their fantasy lives.