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07 May 2011

Here's the pictures... really wanna see...
In a White House briefing on Monday, counterterrorism chief John Brennan said that he and the rest of Obama’s team were “able to monitor the situation in real time” and were given “regular updates” as the operation proceeded, but wouldn’t say whether there was a live video feed.

Even though the government won’t confirm that the SEALs were wearing cameras, a military spokesman tells The Daily Beast that video is a routine part of many combat missions.
Why do you think Obama's being so cagey about releasing ANY photographic evidence related to the bin-Laden execution?

Think about it.


UPDATE: Here's what Barry O...

...allows you to see...
In the short clips, bin Laden appears hunched and tired, seated on the floor, watching television wrapped in a wool blanket and wearing a knit cap.