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17 May 2011

From the folks who brought you Caledonia

Once again, too many gutless politicians... not enough common sense...
"The city has had archeologists go and test, they’ve had about 40 test pits, and it does not show it to be a burial mound." --
C'mon, Toronto... you never wanna let any of those pesky facts get in the way of a politically-correct cultural fairy tale... let's get this faux-cultural carnival on the road...
They affixed three red Mohawk Warrior flags to tall dead tree branches, which they lashed to trees and stumps. Also tied to trees: two purple flags of the Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy.
They keep it up until fall... maybe Dalton can just buy the whole damn park and give it to them.


"I don't understand or have any rationale for his claims in the park," says Kris Nahrgang, elected chief of the Kawartha Nishnawbe First Nations of Burleigh Falls, a band of over 700 whose treaty territory includes the GTA.