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04 May 2011


Dipped in, well... you know...
"Can someone please explain what happened in Quebec? - How did a francophone riding end up electing a young woman bar manager who (a) doesn't speak French, (b) doesn't live in the riding, and (c) spent part of the campaign in Las Vegas?"

RELATED: Now that Jack's got game...

...I just hope he's gonna "continue fighting" for the rights of all "Canadians"...

welcome back khadr**********

LAST WORD: I blame Rick Mercer...

...but the heir transparent has another theory...
"Fundamentally, the politics of cynicism that Harper was so good at triumphed," he said. "People tried to react and the Conservatives took full advantage of that."
Yes, of course, Justin... there's no way the compassionate, intellectual voters of Quebec just didn't give a crap, huh?