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28 April 2011

The rough & ready Globe and Mail...

...always first on the scene with important breaking news...
-- Apr 28, 2011 -- The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency on Thursday said for the first time that a target destroyed by Israeli warplanes in the Syrian desert in 2007 was a covertly built nuclear reactor, appearing to counter assertions by Syria that it had no atomic secrets to hide.
Wait a minute...
-- Sept 29, 2007 -- Syria accused Israel on Saturday of making excuses for spreading what it described as false reports that an Israeli air raid targeted a site linked to weapons of mass destruction.
How do these "professional journalists" hold their heads up in public?

I don't get it.


RELATED: Here's the real story...

...which, by the way, you will never see in the Canadian media...
"The International Atomic Energy Agency... about as useful as grease nipples on an emu."