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16 April 2011

Michael Ignatieff... PhD Hypocrisy

Oh, no... you don't wanna misread Professor Zinfandel... THAT WAS THEN...
-- OTTAWA -- Michael Ignatieff is drawing a link between disgraced former cabinet minister Helena Guergis and organized crime. “I don’t want to make false accusations but you don’t get cocaine at a corner drug store, right? You have to get it from somewhere, from someone and usually that means organized crime.”

-- OTTAWA -- Mr. Ignatieff also focused on the fact that Mr. Harper was publicly standing by Ms. Guergis just 24 hours ago. "It raises questions about the Prime Minister's judgment."

-- OTTAWA -- Michael Ignatieff launched an aggressive attack on status of women minister Helena Guergis today, saying that she’s a liar and doesn’t deserve to be in cabinet.
-- OTTAWA -- Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff said it is astounding is that Conservative Leader Stephen Harper threw Helena Guergis out of caucus based on unsubstantiated allegations.

UPDATE: Iggy says... Harper & Hosni...

...separated at birth...
"This is the kind of thing you'd expect maybe in Egypt or Syria or some country that doesn't know democracy," Ignatieff said, after meeting with college students in Sudbury.
A shocking reference? Not to Ignatieff...
Ignatieff continues to insist that he'll take the high road in the second half of the campaign, but there are growing signs the Liberal game plan is aiming for the jugular.
If that's Iggy's high road... I can't wait 'til he decides to get down & dirty.


UPDATE2: I spoke too soon...

...looks like they're already there.