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26 March 2011

They keep saying Ignatieff's the smart one...

...but... right now... it's looking like the political equivalent of suicide by cop...
As the campaign begins, the focus to a large degree is on the leaders and Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff is struggling right off the bat.

His approval rating sits at 19 per cent — about the same as Bloc Leader Gilles Duceppe on a national basis.

That is barely half the 37 per cent approval rating garnered by both Harper and NDP Leader Jack Layton.

FROM THE COMMENTS: Never mind the 19%...

...I'm with Gilles...
"Did you watch as Duceppe called Harper a liar. called him(,) a liar."
Posted by Anonymous to halls of macadamia at 10:17 AM, March 26, 2011
Yup... what we really need to worry about... totally apart from the three socialist stooges... is nonnypuss & the rest of the "coalition of sheep."

Thank you comment(comma) moderation. Cue banjo music.