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19 March 2011


Pro-Gaddafi forces have attacked the Libyan rebel stronghold of Benghazi and their tanks have entered the city, a BBC journalist witnessed.

The rebel's leader has appealed to the international community to stop the pro-Gaddafi bombardment, but the government denies it is attacking.
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon says the world must "speak with one voice" on Libya. Earlier, US President Barack Obama said forces loyal to Col Muammar Ghaddafi must stop attacking rebel areas or face military action.
Yeah... there's a bold "Leader of the Free World" response.
John O. Brennan, President Obama’s top counterterrorism official, said that the military attacks on civilians ordered in recent days by Libya’s leader, Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, coupled with his track record as a sponsor of terrorism, had heightened worries within the administration as an international coalition threatens military action against Libya.
Which translates, loosely, into... President McDreamy is crappin' in his pants... possibly with some justification. Of course, that doesn't stop the MSM from trying to change the channel and blame everything on George Bush...
"In the Obama White House, unilateral U.S. action is a foreign concept. The world, or most of it, is undoubtedly grateful for that."
Way to audible, G&M... now you're speaking up for "the rest of the world?"

Unfortunately... there's just one small problem with the Mr. Rogers, er... "Obama Doctrine"...
"It also means that rogue states and dictators can carry out their misdeeds without fear of swift and muscular correction from America."

UPDATE: Relax Monsieur Barry, we've got this...

You know you're late to the party... when the French hand out the first hors d'oeuvres...
The first shot in a UN-mandated intervention in Libya was fired by a French aircraft and destroyed a military vehicle at around 12:45 p.m. ET, French defence ministry and army officials said on Saturday.

“A first target was engaged and destroyed,” ministry spokesman Laurent Teisseire told reporters.
What... you mean lot's of meaningless jibber-jabber wasn't gonna do the trick?

In other "Emerging Democracy in the Middle East" news...
Egypt’s governing military council released the younger brother of Ayman al-Zawahri, Al Qaeda’s second in command, from prison on Thursday after holding him for a decade on charges of conspiracy to overthrow the government.
Yup... there's still a few bugs in the system...
ElBaradei was the subject of a hostile crowd as he tried to vote Saturday, with some smashing the glass of his car as it retreated. It was not immediately clear who was behind the attack.