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16 March 2011

Screw that "do the right thing" crapola...

...I'll take my bat & my ball and go home...
With the advances made by loyalists, there is growing consensus in the Obama administration that imposing a no-flight zone over Libya would no longer make much of a difference, a senior official said. --
You know, I betcha it makes a difference to these folks...
As the shelling intensified Tuesday, hundreds of cars packed with children, mattresses, suitcases — anything that could be grabbed and packed in — careened through the streets as residents fled.
Hail the mighty Obama doctrine... "If I can't win, I won't play."

Meanwhile, back at the ranch... "Safety break... nobody works, nobody gets hurt"...
The Obama administration has begun sending drones deep into Mexican territory to gather intelligence.

"This may be a good time for Arab leaders and opinion makers to ask themselves what they can do to win over the hearts and minds of Americans."