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09 March 2011

Remember back... you were a kid...

...there were all those drive-by shootings & home invasions?

-- Yeah... me neither. --
Cameron Holder, Williams' father, issued an emotional plea on Tuesday for anyone with information to call police.

"I'm begging anyone that knows anything about it, even if you might think it's not relevant or it's not important, call the police, call Crime Stoppers… We need your help," Williams told reporters.

"This is not about my son anymore," he added. "This is about Toronto, this is about the youths. We need to stop this senseless killing."
How about we start, though... by taking more of these mindless thugs off the street?
Lloyd Johnson, 36, was found guilty of attempted murder, attempted robbery and several other charges in January for the shooting of Salahaldin Ali, 51, in Ali’s apartment near Adelaide and Elias streets on May 18, 2007.

LAST WORD: No child left behind, huh?
Amin Kassim fired four shots into Muluka Hassan Ali’s head and ran off with their two-year-old son, Sammy, on May 14, 2005, said Crown attorney Beverley Richards as she outlined her first-degree murder case to a jury.

Kassim also took two photos of Ali’s bullet-riddled body on the floor of her downtown Church St. apartment, court heard.
What... he needed to update his Facebook page?

More prisons aren't the whole solution here... but it's a start.