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18 March 2011

"The best laid schemes o' mice an' men..."

...(not to mention the smarmy piety of social engineers)...
"The renaming of the Bangs Avenue School as the Barack H. Obama School is contingent upon a cost analysis, said Myra Campbell, the city resident who pushed for the new moniker."

"The resolution, approved Wednesday, calls for the new superintendent, Denise Lowe, to assess the financial impact of the name change during the upcoming school year."

"Lowe will have to consider the cost of a new marquee on the school, new stationery, and filing paperwork with the state and financial institutions, among other things."
"...Gang aft a-gley..."
"The century-old Bangs Avenue School — renamed for President Barack Obama just a year ago — will be closed as a neighborhood school this summer, largely because of a steep slide in the district's total enrollment the past decade."