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23 February 2011

You can almost smell the leadership

Is it just me... or did President McDreamy actually take a swifter, harder line... with Republican Governor Scott Walker?
-- Washington, DC -- “We are reviewing a variety of options with our international partners to compel or to persuade the government of Libya to cease this terrible violence.”
Okay, okay, settle down... what's the freakin' hurry here?

It's not like people are being slaught... wait a minute...
Eyewitnesses describe a bloody scene unfolding in the streets of Tripoli, the nation's capital, with African mercenaries recruited and trained by Gadhafi killing indiscriminately, shooting anyone in sight.
Yup... Barry fiddles... while Tripoli burns.

And what exactly is the message being sent when President Obluster & Slick Willie Clinton's squeeze... continue to impotently stutter & froth about Gaddafi's "unacceptable" conduct.

If you're not prepared to actually DO ANYTHING... aren't you really just signalling your tacit acceptance?

Just as importantly... aren't you also simultaneously pissing away any credibility you might have previously be presumed to have possessed?

When Mrs N caught 4 year-old Neophyte wiping his nose on the stairway wall... she didn't start debating "social worth" or "morality"... she handed him a damp J-cloth and stood over him until the area was restored to its pre-snot status.


"Will the administration bring up the ironic fact that Libya sits on the Human Rights Council they are depending on to discipline them?"